Introducing Zen Ratings
Updated by Nate Tsang
We are proud to announce the release of Zen Ratings, our proprietary ratings system that allows us to analyze 4,600 stocks by 115 unique factors to determine those with the most upside potential.
Every stock receives an overall letter rating based on these factors, as well as 7 Component Grades for the key areas of evaluation: Value, Growth, Momentum, Sentiment, Safety, Financials, and an AI grade based on our advanced AI algorithms that detect subtle patterns in market data and anticipates future trends that point to superior stock price results.
Our A rated (Strong Buy) stocks have produced an average annual return of +32.52% since 2003, implying that the Zen Ratings helps investors outperform the market by more than 3 to 1.
Effective immediately, you can now view overall Zen Rating, and the correlated 7 Component Grades, on the quote page for over 4,600 stocks.
In phase 2, we will roll out many additional features to help you better find and track stocks with the Zen Ratings. These enhancements are slated for the first quarter of 2025. For more information on Zen Ratings, click here.