How are you ranking analysts? Why are some top analysts ranked high despite a low return?
Why is Christoper Carey ranked 1,150th, despite an average return of 719%? And how can Leo Mariani be ranked 1st with an average return of just 70%? Our analyst ranking algorithm takes 3 factors into…
Why are some of the analysts' picks out of date?
Why is Bill Liu's last update from two years ago? Not all analysts consistently make new buy/sell recommendations. Depending on the industry or sector they cover, there may not be any significant eno…
How do I delete a stock from my watchlist?
Here's how you can delete a stock from your watchlist : Click the Edit button located just above your watchlist. Click the 3 vertical dots next to the stock you want to delete. Select "Remove Company…
How do I export data from the stock screener or a watchlist into a spreadsheet?
Exporting data from WallStreetZen is simple. Exporting data from the stock screener. First, navigate to the screener and select the filters you'd like to use I'm going to filter on Due Diligence Scor…
How are Due Diligence Scores calculated and how often are they updated?
The Due Diligence Score can help you quickly understand the fundamental strengths and weaknesses of a stock in minutes. We've taken time-tested fundamental analysis and used software to automate the…
Do you have an app I can download?
We currently do not have an app version of WallStreetZen. But, we do have a version of the site optimized for mobile devices. Apple users can add WallStreetZen to their Favorites by: Open your browse…
How do I reset my password?
Here's how you can reset your password from our password reset instructions page : On the password reset instructions page, enter your email address and click 'Send Reset Password Instructions'. Chec…
Who are the analysts and who becomes a "top" analyst?
WallStreetZen tracks historical analyst recommendations and identifies top-performing analysts, so you can get stock ideas and forecasts from proven performers. We rank nearly 4,000 sell-side analyst…
What’s the difference between Zen Investor and WallStreetZen Premium?
Zen Investor and WallStreetZen Premium are two complementary services offered by WallStreetZen. Zen Investor is a stock picking newsletter. As a member, you receive stock picks, commentary, portfolio…
Where Did the Zen Score Go?
Where Did the Zen Score Go? The Zen Score is now the Due Diligence score. While this score still appears on every ticker page on WallStreetZen, we've also expanded our repertoire with the powerful an…
How often is your data updated?
Short answer: It depends on the field. Some of our data updates every few seconds, some of it updates everyday, some of it updates at irregular periods, and some of it updates quarterly or yearly. Al…
How do you further narrow down Stock Ideas? How do you filter Stock Ideas?
All of our pre-built screener templates in Stock Ideas are completely customizable (except for the 2 Premium-only configurations). How to remove a filter from a Stock Ideas setup. If you want to remo…
What do you get by upgrading from the free (Basic) version to Premium?
Simply put, you get unlimited access to all of our features. You can check out the full list of features and the comparison between Basic and Premium plans on our pricing page , or in the image below: